This Camino was a dream come true for Bonnie's dad, Kam, who wanted to walk with us, particularly his grandchildren. This was his 9th Camino and his second time walking the Camino Inglés.
Also, shameless brag: we are now dual pilgrims! After completing the Kumano Kodo pilgrimage in Japan (Dec 2023) and completing the Camino Inglès in Spain, we were given the Dual Pilgrim credential. Yay!
Guy and Gail also joined us to celebrate Matt's 50th milestone and walk a few kms. In Santiago we attended Easter mass and dined on delicious Galician food together.
On our way back to Lund, we got delayed in Paris and had to spend a night here due to bad weather. I barely made it on time for my Monday morning class!
Here is a video compilation of our Camino created to our theme 'Better Together'.