Tuesday, October 05, 2010

across the pond

In two days we will be taking Tai on his first plan journey across the Atlantic to meet his Wong family. I am so excited, and am surprised by how excited/giddy/anxious I am.

There have been many months of preparation on the Canadian side, from arranging a substitute car seat and buggy to organizing Thanksgiving get-togethers with as many relatives as possible.

The one thing that I have worries about is the time difference.

At the exact time where we will be gathering for dinners, Tai would normally be fast asleep.

We will just have to make sure he adjusts to the time difference as soon as we land. Oh well, que sera sera.

Matt will be returning back to the UK after one week to go back to work. Tai and I will stay on for an extra week.

Seeing how much he is changing and developing every single day, already I know we will miss our little unit of three.

Still, this trip is mainly to introduce Tai to his great-grandparents. It is considered the absolute highest achievement and honour when one lives to hold his/her own great-grandchild in the world. Tai will not remember this trip but there will be plenty of photographic evidence, that I'm positive.

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