Friday, November 01, 2019

Candy Hangover

Anyone want a head on a tray?!

Quote of the day: "Schoolwork for me is like a ripped mainsail for you!"

Guess who said that?

And so that set the tone for our morning of schoolwork.... 

The day did get better however.

After lunch we took a walk to the C&D (Chesapeake and Delaware) Canal Museum. A great place which explains the history of the canal and its importance. It is one of the most transited canals in the world, allowing many vessels to cut through and connect Baltimore to Philadelphia and beyond.

We have decided to stay here in Chesapeake City until Sunday. We are at a dock (aka. easy access) and after a couple of days of being here, we have sussed out what we need in terms of daily living requirements.

This town is fairly small (pop.700) and there aren't many services for the transient cruiser unless you count boutique art and jewelry stores.

Again, we exercised our "if you don't ask, you don't know" motto.

No pumpkins to carve for Halloween? Go around asking from store to store to see where we can buy one and in the end, have 2 pumpkins given to us for free!

No showers? Ask at the local Chesapeake Inn if we could use theirs and get given the door code to use 24/7.

No laundromat? Ask at a local B&B if we can pay to use their machines to do a couple of loads. Have them graciously help you and refuse any payment.

No grocery store within walking distance? Chat up a new friend with a cute baby at the local cafe, exchange contact details and arrange for a ride to the store to provision.

This town may not have amenities set up for transient cruisers, but it is possible to piece it all together if you just ask around.

But the REAL reason why we're staying until Sunday is because tomorrow is the final game of the Rugby World Cup and England is playing against South Africa!!

Matt was quite worried we would not find a place that would be showing the match.

We could Uber to a pub 45 minutes away that will broadcast it.

We could pay to watch it online as long as we get a good WiFi connection.

We could rent a room for a few hours as long as there's cable TV in the room.

Or we could just ask.

So we asked the local Chesapeake Inn if they will show the game in their dining room or patio TV screen for us.

Yup should be no problem, they said. Brilliant!

Game on!!

Maine Lobster Pot and Man with No Head

Tai's Halloween Journal

Sorting and dividing the haul!

Best coffee signs at the local cafe.

Aila's Halloween Journal, Part 1

Aila's Halloween Journal, Part 2

C&D Canal Museum

When they get along... Holding hands.

Beautiful fall leaves!

Tai's Nov.1st  journal

Aila's Nov.1st journal part 1

Aila's Nov.1st journal part 2

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