Sunday, February 23, 2020

Delightful Warderick Wells

Warderick Wells continues to delight us.
We hiked up to the hill to see, feel and HEAR the impressive blowholes, left our driftwood signature on top of Boo Boo Hill and snorkelled numerous times on the coral reefs.
Tomorrow the weather is in our favour as we make our way south to Staniel Cay.
There is the famous Thunderball Cave that was featured in a James Bond film. Apparently it's absolutely magical if you snorkel it at low tide. Gotta see what all the fuss is about, now don't we?
From Staniel Cay, we will point towards Georgetown where Gramps and Gail will be flying in to join us for a couple of weeks!
Excitement is mounting...
This sperm whale washed up on the beach. 
He died due to the amount of plastic he had ingested. Awful.

To get to Boo Boo Hill, you cross a mini desert landscape.

Onwards to Boo Boo Hill. Not very high up, but pretty high for Bahamas standards.

Can you spot the lizard?

Feeling for the next big blow at the blowhole. The power and roar is tremendous!

SV (sailing vessel) Anjulia Sue amongst all the other cruising boat names.

Adding our driftwood name to the pile. Neat to recognize some
of the other boats we have met throughout the year.

On top of Boo Boo Hill, Exumas Cays on the left and Exumas Bank (Atlantic Ocean) on the right.

Warderick Wells anchorage. This is definitely one of my favourite 
anchorages in the Bahamas so far.

Up until very recently, Tai hated the feeling of sand on his feet at the beach and would never even consider the thought of putting his head under water in the shower, much less the salty ocean. All the other cruising families we met swore that their kids became little fishes and mermaids while cruising, even those who could barely float before they left. I was doubtful our kids would be comfortable swimming like that without intensive swimming lessons.
Fast forward to today and I am pleased to say they are definitely much more competent in the water. But more than that, they have a deeper understanding and respect for the Big Blue. 

Pancake chef!

Making Rice Krispies :)

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