Tuesday, March 08, 2005


It's crazy, today is like a day where women are placed on some pedestal and pampered to no end.

It's International Women's Day and female employees get the day off.. coughcough *how sexist* is my first instinct! There is no such thing as International Man's Day, now is there? I'm just kinda blown away. I received a bouquet of wild flowers from a student yesterday. And all the female employees at EF received this ginormous bouquet of flowers wrapped really elegantly and makes quite a statement when you walk into a room.

Oh, i failed to mention in previous entries that I am now the proud owner of a cell phone!! Yup, i have caved and i now carry this little gadget around with me wherever i go. I secretly admit it's fun to send text messages and to receive them too, kinda like little pleasant surprises that pop up during the day when you least expect it, oh i'm so easily pleased.

So Matt went out and bought us a couple of new ones the other day. My first 'mobile', as they call them here, was pretty big compared to modern day phones and it kept turning off and on, and the battery kept coming out of its socket. I asked him to pick the ugliest/tackiest one he could find, just to go along with the tacky Chinese theme. He did well. Now I am the proud owner of a flip phone with pink flower prints on the cover, oh and the best part is the DIAMOND STUD; everytime i get a message or when the phone rings, it blinks a brilliant bright blue. To add on top of the tackiness, on the screen there's a cute little teddy bear standing on a red heart against a green background with bubbles blowing every which way. It's sooooooooooo Chinese, i love it!

I'm going home tonight to put on one of our (Matt and I's) little sticky picture that we took at Bangkok airport. It's those small stamp-size stickers of your head with the background/border of your choice. Extremely popular among the young'ens here. Actually I've done them in Chinatown with my cousins in Toronto too. Cheap pure fun that has a lasting imprinted effect. Again, easily pleased.

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