Wednesday, March 09, 2005

in a chipper mood

It's so obvious: plenty of exercise, three square balanced meals (with intermittant snacking), creating music, and having an uninterrupted sleep. That is what we're told is the key to leading a healthy, happy lifestyle. All that and plenty of laughter, smiles and affection of course.

Have been going for quickee swims the past few days, and i feel better than ever. There are certain things you know you should do, but for some reason you shove them aside, make excuses or just can't muster the energy/motivation/desire to get up and do them. I feel so much better just having finished a swim or playing the piano, even if it's just for ten minutes.

I don't know exactly where this is going, only that i want to write this out so that when i am feeling lazy and unmotivated, I can tell myself that it is worth it in the end.

Class in 18 minutes. We've been talking about Family Life and getting into quite serious debates about (anti)abortion, marriage, child-rearing, sex education, and religion. There are only 4 students in the class (2 Chinese, 1 Uyghur and 1 Kazakh). It's an interesting mix of ethnicities, viewpoints, and age. Hmm.... not sure what else to say so i should log off and prepare for class.

Big hugs to y'all. For some reason, i'm feeling quite loving and affectionate today... must be the warm weather, spring is in the air la dee daa.....

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