Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Land VS Boat

Guest Post By: Aila and Tai

We are entering month 7 of our

cruising journey.

It was time to take stock and reflect

on how things were going.

The kids were assigned to compare

life on land vs boat.

Here are the results. I have not edited

any of their work.

I left the lines, icons and fonts exactly
as they had typed it up.

It is very interesting for Matt and I to

see how they have perceived our
cruising life so far.

Just goes to show how
this experience has shaped us a
in completely different ways.

Land Life VS Boat Life BY AILA T.

1. SLEEP 😑
My bedroom was bigger. I slept in my own bedroom. 
My bedroom is smaller. I sleep with Tai in the v-berth.
2. EAT 🍕
We always eat together. The kitchen is way bigger. We always eat at home.
Dad never eats with us because he’s always busy doing boat jobs. The kitchen is way smaller. We always eat out. The kitchen is called a galley. 
3. PLAY 🎲
I play with my friends. We usually play in the school park. Sometimes we play at a park.
I always play with Tai because we don’t usually meet kid boats. We play on the boat. We play games.
4. LIKE 👍
We have tons of space. We have a backyard. We get to buy more stuff because mom and dad were working.
I get to share a room with Tai. We get to see more animals. We get to go swimming. When we are doing an overnight we get to sleep in the big room.
We don’t get to go to new places. I don’t share a room with Tai.  
We don’t have free wifi. We don’t have a backyard. We don’t have a lot of money.

I prefer… the boat because we get
to move and we’re always together.

Land vs Boat
By: Tai Thornington

1. Sleep

On land you get an actual big bed and
bedroom and sometimes an ensuite
bathroom with a shower! On a boat we
get a v-berth and no heads or shower.
There’s obviously a big difference even
only reading this much. I also have to
share the tiny v-berth with Aila so we
don’t get a lot of space and there isn’t
anywhere else to sleep. Mom and Dad
sleep in a way better rectangular queen
sized bed at the stern. Whenever we
do an overnight passage me and Aila get
to sleep in the aft cabin so we really
like overnight passages. Also under my
bed it’s the Holding tank.

2. Nutrition

On land you usually go out for dinner a lot

more than once every 2 weeks like on a
boat. On land you have microwaves and
all the stuff boats don’t have (except
cruise ships). That makes doing stuff in
the galley a lot harder. (Those include
microwaves, dishwashers, rice makers,
electric kettle and grill, freezer, pantry
and coffee machines etc.) We also
noticed we eat a lot more together.
One thing Mom doesn’t like about our
galley is that it is in the hallway
connecting everything to everything so
we need to squeeze through Mom all
the time. We also don’t have a big fridge
so we have a lot of canned meals. Our
breakfast is the same on land and on the
boat which is cereals.

3. Play

On land you’re in a class with some of
your friends but on a boat you aren’t in a
class so you have to organize playdates
at a certain time and place and you have
to be there. We also can’t do any
organized sports because we’re always
moving. On land you don’t really do board
games together because you’re always
separated doing other stuff but on a boat
you’re always doing stuff together.    


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