Tuesday, May 15, 2007

on the move again

And i have to say our travelling luck is on a continuous streak: we have been planning our next trip already for July, for ERITREA!! Matt's old roomate from UWC Atlantic College, Ghebre, will be going back to Eritrea to visit family. Last June we became godparents to his youngest child, Yohanna, at an Eritrean Orthodox ceremony in London.

Since Ghebre and his wife Nigisty spent their honeymoon in Jersey, they've always wanted Matt to visit their home country. And so what more reason do we need? What we're most looking forward to is visiting his village, Adi-Gulty, a bus ride away from the capital, Asmara, and then an hour's walk on foot.

Oh, and we just decided last night that we will be coinciding our Eritrea trip (with a possible stopover either in Yemen or Egypt) with our move to CAPE TOWN, South Africa, where Matt will start up the Conergy business!!!!!!

There is lots to do now but with a goal and date set, things will fall into place quickly. First, i've got 2 major papers to write, harhar. Exciting!

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