Sunday, July 07, 2019

Feeding our Souls with Celtic Music, Bouncy Castle & Sea Glass Treasure

In a nutshell, it was a good day out in Mahone Bay, followed by a dinghy ride to break in our new motor, stopping at a nearby beach to find some sea glass.

Schoolwork: measuring 

Shipbuilding office just off the Mahone Bay Marina.

Standing beside the placard at Mahone bay civic marina telling passerbys
where all the boats ever built here were made. For schoolwork Tai had to
input all the information on a spreadsheet, calculate the average weight and size,
then make a bubble chart showing the different boats over the years.

Recording all the stats and information for school.

Celtic music at the Saltbox Brewery. 

Saltbox Brewery tasters!

First taste of lemon San Pellingrino.
The beginning of a life long addiction :)

Making shapes and pictures with sea glass.

Aila's sea glass art. Man throwing ball to dog in water.

Evening duties: Tai hanging out the wet dish cloths and Aila steering us out of storm.

The best journal entry Tai has written so far. Normally he will do the
minimal amount possible but today he had a lot to say.

We had noticed a sign out in front of the local church yesterday
advertising free children's event today. Besides one other little boy,
our kids were the only ones there but they absolutely loved it!

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